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Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: working with person centred values, encouraging active participation, promoting choice and rights, supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety


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Embedded in the Care Act 2014 are six principles that focus on the wellbeing of individuals, using a person-centred approach in relation to safeguarding. They are:

  1. Empowerment – promotion of choice and informed consent
  2. Protection – provide support and representation
  3. Prevention – be proactive in reducing the likelihood of abuse occurring
  4. Proportionality – use the least-intrusive method
  5. Partnership – local agencies to work together
  6. Accountability – be transparent and responsible for safeguarding practices

With these principles in mind, there are several ways that the likelihood of abuse can be reduced.


Working with person-centred values


Person-centred values include promoting an individual’s rights and especially their right of choice. By supporting individuals to make their own decisions, you are encouraging independence, which will also have a positive effect on their confidence, self-esteem and general wellbeing.

Similarly, treating an individual with respect and courtesy and promoting their dignity results in them feeling valued and comfortable with receiving care as well as giving them an understanding of how they should be cared for.


Confidence, high self-esteem and an awareness of care practices can help individuals to speak up if their care does not meet standards and to challenge things that they do not feel are right.

This is why person-centred, individualised care is so important. If the individual is at the centre of their care planning then they have the power to choose and control the way they are cared for, it limits the risk of unfair or harmful treatment.


Encouraging active participation

Active participation is an approach that promotes an individual’s right to be involved in the activities and relationships of their everyday lives as independently as possible. It encourages individuals to be an active participant in their care planning and delivery rather than a passive receiver of care.


Being an active partner in their care gives individuals the opportunity to learn new skills, gain new knowledge and become more independent and confident, which will make them less likely to be exploited. The less dependent an individual is on others, the less likely it is that others will be able to take advantage of them.

Active participation supports individuals to change things in relation to their care that they feel is not working in the way that they expect. They will also have channels to communicate any concerns that they have or anything that they may feel is not right.


Promoting choice and rights

By working in a way that promotes the choice and rights of individuals, care workers focus on the unique needs of each individual rather than what they assume their needs are. This means providing information in a way that the individual can understand so that they are able to make informed choices about their lives.


Promoting choice and rights empowers individuals to have control over their lives and supports them to be more confident and assertive.

The likelihood of abuse is reduced because when individuals have a better understanding of their rights and how their care should be delivered, they are more likely to challenge poor practices.


Supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety

The likelihood of abuse and neglect can also be reduced by supporting individuals with awareness of their own personal safety. This can take the form of formal training, group discussions or one-to-one chats that educate the individual about their rights, ways to reduce their vulnerability and practical steps about what to do if they feel they may be a victim of abuse.


Explaining the reasons why you carry out tasks in a particular way and involving the individual can also help them to understand how to keep themselves safe. For example, before you go shopping with the individual, you may encourage them to close the windows and lock the door and discuss why this is necessary for their security.



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