DSDWEB was founded in 2016 by Daniel Dutton.
Originally it was a small project intended to assist Daniel’s friends and colleagues with their care qualification studies. Since that time, it has snowballed into the UK’s premier resource for free study guides in the health and social care sector.
We now receive thousands of visits to our website each and every day and have supported tens of thousands of individuals with their care qualifications.
Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to improve the knowledge, skills and understanding of the care workforce, with the ultimate vision being improved outcomes for the individuals that they support.
Our Core Values
DSDWEB is built on the ethos that high-quality information about best practice in the care sector should be freely available and not hidden behind paywalls or expensive textbooks that many carers on close to minimum wage can ill-afford. All too often, information related to health and social care can be obfuscated or ambiguous making it difficult to locate, understand and comprehend. We strive to provide accurate information presented in a way that easy to digest so that care staff can provide the best possible support to their clients.
We operate with honesty and integrity and embrace all of the principles associated with high-quality care including a duty of candour (we admit our mistakes and do our best to correct them), professional development (continuous learning based on experience and evidence) and 360-degree feedback (we invite feedback from anyone in the health and social care sector and beyond).
Addressing “Answers”
Every so often, we get a message from an individual that is “outraged” or “horrified” that this website provides “answers” and that we are supporting plagiarism.
We would like to address this by explaining that we do not believe this is the case.
From the overwhelmingly positive feedback we receive, we believe that we are supporting learning and development and not plagiarism. Some trainers and assessors even signpost their students to this website to support their studies.
Every page of this website includes a disclaimer that states in no uncertain terms that the information contained herein should not be copied and pasted and then submitted as a student’s own work. We provide study guides that students can use to help them comprehend the questions that are being asked of them and then write their answers in their own words. Each study guide is categorised by unit, learning outcome and assessment criteria, not unlike the City & Guild’s textbooks that students are often encouraged to purchase to help with their studies. The difference is that the information on this website is much more cost-effective.
Admittedly, the use of the word “answers” in the title of the webpage is unfortunate, but this is necessary because this is what the vast majority of learners type into search engines when they begin their studies. Feedback suggests that this is partly due to frustration in not being able to find the information they are looking for. If this word was not used on the website, then students would be unable to find this website, so sadly it is a necessary evil. However, we do regularly review our wording and may change it one day. Our hope is that once students have found the website, we can change their mindset and support them to learn rather than looking for a quick fix by providing high-quality information.
Sometimes, an ‘example question & answer” format is used to aid a learner’s comprehension of what is being asked of them. This is not intended to give them the answer on a plate but to kick-start their brain into thinking about what their assessor is looking for and then use examples from their own practice.
Everything on this website is published on the public domain, which means it can be accessed by both students and trainers/assessors alike. Therefore, if a student were to attempt to plagiarise anything, a good trainer/assessor would be able to spot it straight away. They would only have type a few words of the text into Google or use dedicated software, such as CopyScape to identify copyright theft. All good trainers and assessors should be doing this as a matter of course.
Hopefully, this helps to clarify our position on this issue, however, if you have any further concerns, we are happy to open a dialogue about it. We are always learning and reflecting on the views of others and appreciate any feedback that is offered
Contact me
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