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Care Certificate Standard 13 Answers: Health and Safety


Standard 13 of The Care Certificate is quite large because there are a lot of subtopics to cover.

As well as understanding the responsibilities of yourself and others, you also need to have a good understanding of risk assessments, manual handling, managing accidents and sudden illnesses, medication, handling hazardous substances, fire safety, security and stress.


The information on this page has been updated and quality assured for 2023.


Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria


NOTE: Many of the assessment criteria listed here direct to the same or similar criteria in the Level 2 Diploma section.

Care Certificate Standard 13 Workbook Answers


This page contains exemplary answers for all the questions in the workbook for standard 13 of The Care Certificate – Health & Safety.

The blank workbook for standard 13 can be downloaded from the Skills for Care website (PDF format)


Accompanying Video

Activity 13.1a


Complete the diagram below to identify legislation that relates to general health and safety in your workplace.

Legislation relating to general health and safety includes:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

Learn more about health and safety legislation.


Activity 13.1b

Ask your manager or a senior member of staff for your workplace health and safety policies and procedures, and describe the main points below.

  1. Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
    Details employer and employee roles and responsibilities, how to manage risk, how to report accidents and incidents and to whom.
  2. Health and Safety Training Policy and Procedure
    Details mandatory health and safety training for all employees, how it is delivered and how it is recorded.
  3. Clinical Waste Disposal Policy and Procedure
    How clinical waste should be managed and disposed of.
  4. Serious Incident Notification Policy and Procedure
    Details which agencies should be notified following a serious incident.

Learn more about health and safety policies and procedures.


Activity 13.1c

Complete the sections below to outline the person’s main health and safety responsibilities in the workplace.



To do all I can to prevent injury to myself and others from my actions or omissions, follow workplace policies and procedures, report health and safety concerns to my line manager and ensure my work area and equipment are fit for purpose.



Ensure the health, safety and well-being of employees, maintain safety records, investigate concerns and incidents, provide necessary work equipment and training and report incidents to relevant agencies.



Do not risk the health, safety and well-being of themselves and others by their own actions or omissions.


Learn more about health and safety responsibilities.

Activity 13.1d


Complete the diagram to list health and safety tasks that you should not carry out until you have had special training.

Health and safety tasks that need special training include:

  • Using a hoist or other lifting/transitioning equipment
  • First aid
  • Medication administration
  • Manual handling
  • Food handling and preparation
  • Emergency and evacuation procedures e.g. fire, flood, explosion etc.

Learn more about tasks that require specialist training before they are undertaken.


Activity 13.1e

Choose three types of support or information you could use in relation to health and safety, and explain how to access each one and how it could help you.


Type of support: Policies and procedures

I can access them by logging on to my employer’s policy website and reading the policies. It can help me by informing me on how to report health and safety concerns.


Type of support: Manager

I can access my manager by speaking to them, emailing or texting them. They can help me by clarifying any concerns I have about health and safety policy and procedure.


Type of support: Individual’s care plan

Care plans are available via my company’s phone app. They can help me by informing me on how to support the individual safely.


Learn more about sources of support and information about health and safety.

Activity 13.1f, 13.4a and 13.4b


Part i) Write a list of different types of accidents and sudden illness that could occur in your workplace.

Types of accidents and sudden illnesses that may happen at work include:

  • Slips
  • Trips
  • Falls
  • Cuts
  • Burns
  • Food poisoning
  • Infections
  • Medication errors
  • Epileptic seizure
  • Choking
  • Heart attack/stroke
  • Electrocution
  • Cold/flu

Part ii) Complete the table below to describe three different types of accidents and three different types of sudden illness that could happen in your workplace. For each one, describe the procedure you should follow.



  1. Self-medicating client overdoses on medication
    If this were to happen, I would contact the client’s GP or call NHS Direct for advice. If necessary, I would perform basic life support or call for a qualified first-aider and contact emergency services. I would then fill in a medication error form, and an accident form and report it to my manager.
  2. Staff member fall down the stairs
    If this were to happen, I would obtain assistance from a qualified first-aider and if necessary call the emergency services. I would then complete an accident form and inform my manager.
  3. Client scalds their hand by spilling boiling water from the kettle
    I would assist the client to hold their hand under cold running water for 20 minutes before wrapping clingfilm around it to prevent infection. I would then assess whether I would need to take them to accident and emergency before recording the accident and informing my manager.

Sudden Illnesses

  1. Client choking on food
    If this were to happen, I would encourage the individual to cough to try and clear the blockage. If this failed, I would slap their back followed by performing abdominal thrusts. If they lost consciousness, I would perform basic life support and contact emergency services. I would then fill in an incident form and report it to my manager.
  2. Client is feeling unwell and vomiting
    If this were to happen, I would ensure that the individual was as comfortable as possible and if necessary assist them with making a doctor’s appointment. I would ensure I used PPE when in contact with the individual and areas that they accessed were regularly disinfected to prevent the spread of infection. I may need to keep records of their fluid intake.
  3. Client has an epileptic seizure
    If this were to happen, I would stay with the individual until the seizure had passed and follow the procedure in their care plan. I would record that they had had a seizure in their records and report it to my manager.

Learn more about accidents and sudden illnesses.

Activity 13.2a


For each of the following examples, explain why it would be important to assess health and safety risks.

Example 1: Moving an individual using a piece of equipment such as a hoist or wheelchair:

If not used correctly, the individual or operators could be injured or suffer discomfort or pain. This could be due to a lack of training or not following procedures. Risk assessments would reduce the likelihood of this occurring.

Example 2: When providing personal care to an individual:

If proper care is not taken, an individual could be harmed, have their dignity compromised or there could be a risk of spreading an infection to the individual, staff or other clients. Risk assessments would ensure that proper procedures and PPE are used.

Example 3: Changing soiled bed linen:

Soiled bed linen has a risk of carrying infection so should be handled in the correct way and using PPE.

Learn more about risk assessment.

Activity 13.2b

Using your workplace’s agreed ways of working, describe how and when you would need to report health and safety risks that have been identified.

If I identify a health and safety risk, I should (if possible) remove the hazard. For example, if there is something on the floor of a corridor that presents a trip hazard, I should remove it. I would usually report what had happened to my manager when I next saw them. All serious health and safety risks that I identify should be reported to my manager immediately. This can be either verbally or in writing.

Learn more about reporting health and safety risks.

Activity 13.3a

Draw a line to match up the descriptions with the correct legislation relating to moving and assisting.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 – Specifically cover all movement or support of any load by physical effort

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 – Set specific requirements relating to work equipment used for lifting and lowering people or loads

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 – Ensures that the equipment employers provide is suitable and safe for its intended use

Learn more about lifting and assisting legislation.

Activity 13.3b

Complete the spider diagram below to list three moving and assisting tasks that you must not carry out unless properly trained.

Tasks I must not carry out until trained and competent include:

  • Transferring individuals e.g. from bed to wheelchair or wheelchair to bath
  • Using specialist equipment, such as hoists
  • Giving an individual a bed bath

Learn more about moving and assisting tasks that require specialist training.

Activity 13.4c

Depending on your level of training and competence, there will be first-aid actions that you are and are not allowed to carry out. Fill in the boxes below to list the emergency first-aid actions that you are and are not able to undertake.

Emergency first aid actions I can carry out include basic life support, CPR, abdominal thrusts, using a defibrillator and applying dressings. This is because I have received basic life support training. If I hadn’t done this training, actions I could take would be limited to following instructions from emergency services or a qualified first aider.

Emergency first aid actions I must not do include diagnosis, treatment, medication administration etc.

Learn more about first aid tasks that care workers can and cannot perform.

Activity 13.5a & 13.5b

Describe the key points of your employer’s agreed ways of working in relation to medication and healthcare tasks.

My workplace agreed ways of working in relation to medication are that all staff must be trained and observed as being competent before being allowed to administer medication. The manager and senior support workers are responsible for ordering, checking stock and disposing of medication. Medication records should be filled in even when individuals refuse medication and all records should be kept up to date. PRN medication should only be administered upon authorisation from a manager or senior.

My workplace agreed ways of working in relation to healthcare tasks are that they should be in line with the information in an individual’s care plan and consent should always be obtained. Staff should not trim an individual’s nails (however, they can verbally support the individual to do it themselves). Instead, a qualified professional should be used. Only staff that have had the correct training should perform personal care tasks.

Learn more about agreed ways of working for medication.

Learn more about agreed ways of working for healthcare tasks.

Activity 13.5c

There are a number of medication and healthcare related tasks you are not allowed to carry out unless you have received the appropriate training. List four of these tasks below.

  1. Administer medication
  2. Perform personal care
  3. Administer first aid
  4. Food handling and preparation

Learn more about medication and healthcare tasks that require training before undertaking.

Activity 13.6a

Have a look around your workplace and make a list of the hazardous substances you have found. Complete the table below to describe four hazardous substances and why they are hazardous.

  1. Bleach -If ingested or comes into contact with eyes or skin, it can cause serious irritation or illness.
  2. Medication – If an individual uses medication that has not been prescribed to them it could make them very ill.
  3. Soiled linen – Risk of carrying infectious pathogens
  4. Bodily fluids (e.g. urine, faeces, vomit, saliva etc.) – Risk of carrying infectious pathogens

Learn more about hazardous substances in the workplace.

Activity 13.7a

Complete the grid below to list measures that prevent fires from starting or spreading. Explain for each measure why and how it works.

Measures that prevent fires from starting

Fires can be prevented from starting by ensuring the workplace is kept clean and tidy and that flammable items are kept apart from ignition devices and heat sources. Fire requires fuel and heat so keeping these two things separate reduces the likelihood of them causing a fire. The use of naked flames is a fire risk so avoiding the use of these items (including lighters) as well as portable heaters can prevent fires from starting.

Measures that prevent fires from spreading

Fires can be prevented from spreading by ensuring all fire doors are kept closed as they act as a barrier. They can also reduce the amount of oxygen in the area where the fire is, which is required for the fire to spread. Having a tidy workplace reduces the amount of potential fuel that will be left lying around to help a fire spread. Using fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets can stop a fire in its tracks and calling emergency services as quickly as possible reduces the amount of time a fire can spread before it is extinguished by the fire service.

Learn more about measures which prevent fires from starting and spreading.

Activity 13.7b

Obtain a copy of your workplace fire procedure or agreed ways of working from your employer if you work in the private homes of individuals, and describe the different steps to take in the event of a fire.

  1. Extinguish the fire if safe to do so. If not possible, raise the alarm.
  2. Verbally prompt clients to exit the premises via the front door.
  3. If the front door is blocked, verbally prompt clients to exit the premises via the back door, or if both exits are blocked, a downstairs window.
  4. Escort clients to fire assembly point.
  5. Call emergency services.
  6. Ensure no one re-enters the building until safe to do so.

Learn more about what to do in the event of a fire.

Activity 13.8a

Using examples from your work, describe five measures that are in place to protect your own and others’ safety and security.

Measures that are designed to protect the safety and security of myself and others in my workplace include:

  1. ID Cards – If an individual does not have an ID card, they cannot enter the building and will be challenged if observed in the building without one.
  2. CCTV – There are video cameras in the building that can be used to identify and deter wrongdoing as well as provide evidence if wrongdoing occurs.
  3. Policies and procedures – procedures such as letting another staff member know where you are at all times mean that an alarm will be raised if you don’t check in within an agreed time.
  4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – reduces workplace risks to health and safety.
  5. Personal alarms – in some settings, these are used to alert others that you require immediate assistance.

Learn more about safety and security in the workplace.

Activity 13.8b

Using your workplace’s agreed ways of working for checking identity, in the boxes below explain how you can ensure that no unauthorised person gains access to the premises or confidential information.

Checking identity of a visitor

The identity of a visitor can be checked by asking to see some identification, such as an ID card from their organisation or their driver’s licence. Asking them who are visiting is also a way to ensure that they are on official business. Anyone that does not have an ID badge or is acting suspiciously should be challenged immediately and the alarm raised, if necessary.

Checking identity of a caller

The identity of a caller can be checked by asking them who they are and where they are from as well as who they wish to speak to and what about. Caller ID can also be used to confirm that the number is linked to their organisation. If you require more time to establish the identity of a caller by doing a reverse lookup of their number or checking with your manager you can take their details and say you will call them back. Information should not be given over the phone without first checking the caller’s credentials.

Learn more about checking identity.

Activity 13.9a

The signs and symptoms of stress can be separated into three different groups. For each group below give three examples of possible signs and indicators of stress.

Psychological indicators of stress

  1. Sadness/depression
  2. Feeling of being overwhelmed/constantly frustrated
  3. Anxiety

Physiological indicators of stress

  1. Increased heart rate
  2. Difficulty sleeping/insomnia
  3. Headaches/migraine

Behavioural indicators of stress

  1. Irritability and irrational anger
  2. Crying
  3. Substance misuse

Learn more about signs of stress.

Activity 13.9b

Complete the spider diagram below to identify the circumstances that tend to trigger your own and others’ stress.

Stress triggers can include:

  1. Having too much work and not enough time to do it
  2. Not being sure about how to manage an unfamiliar situation
  3. Lack of money
  4. Changes to work role
  5. Changes to working hours
  6. Health issues with self or significant others

Learn more about triggers of stress.

Activity 13.9c

Think about situations that may trigger you to feel stressed. Which ways can help you to manage stressful times or situations? List five.

  1. Go on holiday
  2. Speak to manager
  3. Talk about issues with spouse or friends
  4. Change job
  5. More exercise/healthier diet

Learn more about ways to manage stress.

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