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Review a support plan to include: a. feedback from an individual and others b. assessed risks


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to review a support plan, taking into account feedback from the individual and others and any assessed risks. This process will need to be documented as evidence of meeting this criterion.


On this page



Feedback is essential for ensuring that services continue to meet the individual’s needs and improve over time. For example, you could use feedback from a health professional to agree on changes with an individual to their care plan (i.e. a dietitian recommends a healthier diet, which is reflected in the way that the individual is supported to plan their menu, do their shopping and cook their food). Or, feedback from an individual or their family may indicate that they are unhappy with the way that an area of their support is delivered and so you agree on some adjustments to the way that this is carried out.



Changes to a care plan may also arise due to changes to an individual’s assessed risks. For example, if an individual has a broken foot, there will be risk assessments in place to mitigate risks associated with their restricted mobility but as the injury heals and their mobility returns, the associated risks will also reduce.

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