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Establish agreement with the supervisee on key areas


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

Before undertaking a professional supervision session, you should ensure that you have planned and prepared sufficiently and agreed on key areas with the supervisee.


Supervision should be scheduled for a time that is convenient for both supervisee and supervisor. This time should be protected with a set end time so that it doesn’t overrun. You may wish to agree on an agenda with the supervisee beforehand to ensure that everything is covered. You will also want to read through the notes from the previous supervision and perhaps the team member’s current appraisal to remind yourself about what has already been agreed upon.

The location that is used for supervision meetings should be comfortable and inviting, so environmental considerations, such as temperature, lighting and noise should all be considered. In addition, you should agree with the supervisee on how often supervision will take place (e.g. every month, every 6 weeks etc.)


At the start of the session, you should set ground rules which will include agreeing that anything said during supervision will remain confidential (unless information must be shared – for example, if unsafe practices are reported). It may also be useful to discuss the purpose of supervision and roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of both the supervisor and supervisee.

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