This page is designed to answer the following questions:
- 1.1 Ways legislation and regulation influences relationships with others (Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care, Relationships and partnership working)
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Relationship working, partnership working, integrated working, joined-up working and collaboration have become important concepts in the recent history of the health and social care sector. There is strong evidence to suggest that inter-agency working results in better outcomes for individuals and so integrated working has been embedded in several pieces of legislation, regulation, guidelines and policy, examples of which are included below.
On this page
Care Act 2014
The Care Act 2014 requires local authorities to “…exercise its functions…with a view to ensuring the integration of care and support provision with health provision and health-related provision“. In addition, they must lead a multiagency local safeguarding system and establish Safeguarding Adult Boards, comprising of the local authority, National Health Service (NHS) and the Police.
Health and Social Care Act 2012
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 established Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) to bring together leaders from both health and care settings to collaborate on strategies to improve the health and well-being of their local populations.
The NHS Long-Term Plan
The NHS Long-Term Plan (2019) followed the successes of the NHS Five Year Forward View (2014) and has a lot of emphasis on Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).
Local NHS organisations will increasingly focus on population health and local partnerships with local authority-funded services, through new Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) everywhere.
NHS Long-Term Plan
Other Initiatives
Other initiatives that relate to partnership working that you may wish to research further are included below:
You should also analyse your own organisation’s guidelines and policies that relate to partnership working, looking at both their strengths and weaknesses and making conclusions, which are backed up with evidence.