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Demonstrate ways of assessing effectiveness of risk management practice


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to actively follow policies and procedures to show how you evaluate their effectiveness in respect of risk management practices. This will form part of your organisation’s quality assurance processes to ensure that practices adhere to legislation and best practices and are continuously improved over time. Some of the areas that should be considered are included below.


Use organisational policies and processes to ensure that risk management practices are monitored and reviewed regularly


Your quality assurance processes will ensure that policies and procedures are being adhered to and that they are fit for purpose. This will include systems such as monitoring staff, obtaining feedback from staff, service users and others, analysing the complaints log, and reading through policies and procedures yourself. Monitoring and reviewing policies and procedures can identify areas where they are performing well and areas that require improvement.

Supervise the practice of others in respect of risk and management practices


Taking a positive approach to risk management may cause anxiety for some team members and so you should ensure that they undergo training and have regular supervision so that they feel supported in their role. This will help team members become more confident in their abilities over time.

Evaluate your own practice in leading others in implementing a balanced approach to risk management


You should reflect on your own practice as it relates to implementing a balanced approach to risk management and ensure that your practice is in line with the principles of your organisation’s policies and procedures. This will support you to be an effective role model to others.

Review and update policies and processes to ensure that risk management practices are in line with legislation, regulation and current safe practice


As stated above, policies and procedures should be regularly monitored, reviewed and updated to ensure that they are working effectively. In addition, you may need to update policies and procedures when there are changes to legislation, regulation or best practices. For example, many care organisations were required to change their processes relating to DoLS following the P v Cheshire West case.

Assessment criteria


Learners actively follow policies and procedures to show how they evaluate their effectiveness in respect of risk and management practices:

  • Uses organisational policies and processes to ensure that risk management practices are monitored and reviewed regularly
  • Supervises the practice of others in respect of risk and management practices
  • Evaluates own practice in leading others in implementing a balanced approach to risk management
  • Reviews and updates policies and processes to ensure that risk management practices are in line with legislation, regulation and current safe practice
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