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Factors and drivers likely to have an impact on the service provision


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

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Over time, the services that you provide will change. This could include opening new services, closing existing services and changing the way that existing services operate. It is important that you embrace change so that you can continue to meet the needs and objectives of service users and your organisation. It is also important to keep abreast of any changes within the wider context of the health and social care sector so that you can discover opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.


For this assessment criterion, you will analyse factors and drivers that could influence growth and change in service delivery and evaluate the impact they might have in respect of supporting an entrepreneurial and innovative culture within your service and its delivery.


Political drivers – Legislation and Regulation

Political drivers are national policies, legislation and initiatives that originate from the central government. For example, in 2018 the Data Protection Act was amended to be compatible with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This meant that organisations had to ensure that their systems and policies complied with the new law.


The government also commission research, reviews and investigations to inform policy. For example, the Cavendish Review led to the introduction of the Care Certificate – and the Cavendish Review (amongst other things) resulted from recommendations in the Francis Report after an inquiry into failings with the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.

Understanding what drives national policy can ensure that your organisation adheres to the law and offer opportunities to innovate in a changing landscape.


Local government initiatives

Similarly, initiatives can stem from your local authority. For example, Warwickshire County Council has made funds available for projects that support the mental health and well-being of residents during and in the aftermath of Covid-19. Such schemes can be used to fund an idea you have to enhance the lives of your service users and the local community. Keeping up to date with local initiatives can help you with your entrepreneurial endeavours by providing access to support and resources.


Internal directorates

Internal directorates oversee policy and resources within an organisation and promote its wider objectives. For example, your organisation may have an internal directorate related to training and development


Budgeting, policies, allocation and provision of resources, accountability, shared resources

Influence of the media


Media reports, such as Panorama investigations into Winterborne View or Whorlton Hall can uncover bad practices and abuse within the sector, which can lead to reports on how this can be prevented in the future. As mentioned above, media reports into Mid-Staffordshire Foundation Trust led to the Francis report.

Funding – mechanisms and restraints


Adult care is funded either by the local authority, the individual receiving care or a combination of the two. As this report from the King’s Fund explains, “access is restricted to those with the highest needs and lowest assets“. Funding is provided to local authorities by the government and local authorities usually commission private or voluntary sector organisations to provide services.

Conversely, most of the NHS is funded at the point of entry by taxes and National Insurance contributions, which are then distributed to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) that are responsible for managing the budget for the provision of health services in their geographical area.


By understanding the priorities, resources and restrictions of the organisations responsible for health and social care provision you may be able to innovate new ways of providing services that meet their needs and criteria.

Access to resources – human/physical


The Resource Management Unit provides in-depth information about managing resources within your organisation.

Gaps in current market provision within service locality and beyond


The Care Act 2014 guidance states: “It is suggested that a local authority can best commence its duties under Sections 5 (market shaping and commissioning) and 48 to 52 (provider failure) of the Care Act by developing with providers and stakeholders a published market position statement.” This means that local authorities are encouraged to produce a Market Position Statement for their area. A definition of a Market Position Statement is provided below:

“A Market Position Statement is a document which summarises supply and demand in a local authority area or sub-region, and signals business opportunities within the care market in that area.”

Market Position Statement Guidance, Institute of Public Care


By looking at the Market Position Statement for your local area, you may identify current or future gaps in the market for which you can provide services.



Demographics are statistical information about populations or groups of populations. These may be used to identify areas within the sector that may require change. For example, it is reported that “about 80 per cent of all jobs in adult social care are done by women“. This may result in you leading a recruitment drive to attract more men into a caring role.



By having an understanding of the factors that are likely to drive change within your organisation and the sector as a whole, you will be able to position your services to meet current and future needs, whilst continuing to maintain a financially viable business.

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