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Study Advice for Care Qualifications

These Study Notes, compiled by Cheryl, can support you to meet the assessment criteria for all qualifications, including:

Having an understanding of what assessors are looking for and the way in which they want you to answer questions can help you to complete your work more efficiently and with higher marks.

Assessment methods

Assessment will generally comprise of one or more of the following

  • Direct Observation, Reflective Accounts, the question papers themselves
  • An Expert Witness Statement – A Nurse, Matron, Deputy or Care lead or someone who is your Supervisor/Mentor ETC.
  • A Witness Testimony – This can be given by someone who holds a level 3 or ABOVE what you are studying so in this case someone who holds a level and has worked closely with you can reflect on how this is applied within the work environment. Generally, a Senior or Higher Carer, or head of care, field senior or supervisor, Care Co-Ordinator and so on…..
  • The Work itself – although difficult, most is delivered over video or teams. A Professional discussion is a variety and may include the questions on this unit.

It is a good idea to get statements from various people within the workplace who have provided support and guidance and support your journey through this diploma. These can then be filed with your work together to begin a process of development and the start of your health and social care journey and build your diploma file.

Recording, documentation and evidence

A Diploma File typically comprises of:

  • A Work Planner to evidence when you did what and when – assessors will like this
  • A Log of Sources – Where you got your information from – this will help with other units too.
  • Any research that has been undertaken – Print outs of subject information from sites such as
  • A Log of activity or work completed
  • Witness Testimonies /Statements
  • Reflective Accounts
  • The question papers – Units themselves
  • Completed Work
  • Review or Feedback Documents
  • A pouch for your USB/DISC used if printed or used on a computer (and a backup)

Order the sections of work completed together with the question paper and review from assessor which should make it easier to find, but also keep it well presented and take pride in each achievement – You earned this!

Structuring Answers

The following 2-step process, combined with the way that assessment criteria are graded (below) can be used to structure your answers:

Step 1 – Identify the First Key Word

Highlight these so you can stay on target as it is easy to go off track.

  • Define – Means State or describe exactly the nature, scope or meaning of something.
  • Outline – Means to Summarise or indicate main features of something or provide a brief description or explanation of a topic or content indicated in the question
  • Identify – Means indicate, list, bullet point main features or purpose of something
  • Describe – Means to give a clear, objective account in their own words, showing recall, and in some cases, application, of relevant features and information, this normally requires breadth of content coverage
  • Explain – Means to provide details & give reasons &/or evidence to support content such as person hygiene, infection control, health, and safety etc.
  • Summarise – Means to gather together all of the main aspects of a given situation or experience in a condensed format.
  • Justify – Means to give reasons or provide evidence to support a view, opinion, side, aspect etc
  • Compare – Means to Identify the main factors relating to two or more items/situations, explain the similarities and differences, and in some cases say which is best and why.
  • Discuss means to consider different aspects of a topic and how they interrelate and the extent to which they are important.
  • Evaluate – Means to bring together all information and review it to form a conclusion, drawing on evidence, including strengths, weaknesses, alternative actions, relevant data or information.
  • Analyze – Means to examine methodically and in detail, typically in order to interpret the content.  

Step 2 – Identify the content or topic of discussion.

These are KEY words which show you how to answer the question, and the content will be the major element in which this relates so for example the question may reference things such as personalized care, health and safety, infection control, policies and procedures or legislation, abuse, neglect etc

Use the information from these two steps as the basis for your research and writing.


If you are wanting to achieve the following then you will need to look at how you can get these elements of the content into each question, to get to what you are aiming to do next, the method for assessment often includes –


When answering a question set your paragraph separately cover Identify, outline & describe, therefore effectively you will have at least 3 paragraphs that include components to get this element.


When answering a question set your paragraphs to separately cover Identify, Outline, Describe & Compare components therefore effectively having at least 4 paragraphs or components to the answer structure that meet each element.


When answering a question set your paragraphs to separately cover Identify, Outline, Describe, Compare, and assess or analyze, therefore effectively having at least 5 maybe 6 components contained within the answer structure.

Learners must carefully consider relevant factors and how this may impact, including vital information and clearly demonstrate relevance in how you work and this is applied, include factors that are most important for each area through defining something, explain how this applies, describe when or what impact this can have, reference how this is relevant, why this is recommended or used, how this may relate to mandatory training or care certificate knowledge, organization policies, procedures and codes of conduct and touch on when things go wrong – mention care failures in relation to changes in practice and importance or improving care and aiming for personalized Care through the quality of how health and social care homes or companies are striving to meet regulatory standards to gain a good or outstanding grade. 

Final words

Importantly – Enjoy this, enjoy finding out and looking for the information. This will help you in the next stage – moving into level 3. These are the foundations of your career in Health and Social Care. Don’t forget to ask questions, find information in your organization’s policies and procedures, and use the resource of social care reputable sites for you research! 


Good luck and be proud!



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