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Care Certificate Standard 11 Answers: Safeguarding Children


Standard 11 of the Care Certificate explores the safeguarding of children (under 18s) and can be considered an extension of standard 10 (safeguarding adults).

Although you will primarily be working with adults, you still have a responsibility to protect and safeguard children – this is everybody’s responsibility and not just the responsibility of childcare workers.


The information on this page has been updated and quality assured for 2023.


Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria


For health workers, if you are likely to have regular contact with children as part of your job role, it is recommended that your employer trains you to Level 2 in Safeguarding Children.

Care Certificate Standard 11 Workbook Answers


This page contains exemplary answers for all the questions in the workbook for standard 11 of The Care Certificate – Safeguarding Children.

The blank workbook for standard 11 can be downloaded from the Skills for Care website (PDF format)


Accompanying Video

Activity 11.1a


Complete the table below to list three examples of signs, symptoms or indicators for each type of abuse listed.

  • Physical abuse: Cuts, bruises, cigarette burns
  • Emotional abuse: Speech disorders, fear of making mistakes, developmental delays
  • Sexual abuse: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), sexual references that are not age-appropriate, genital/anal pain or soreness
  • Neglect: Always being hungry, dirty skin/clothes, appearing underweight
  • Radicalisation: Changes in behaviour, use of extremist terminology, reading extremist materials
  • Child trafficking: Unable to speak English, accompanied by an adult that speaks on their behalf, unkempt appearance
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Family planning for an extended holiday, chronic infections, severe pain

Activity 11.2

Part i) Complete the spider diagram below to identify the potential influence a parent’s/ carer’s physical or mental health could have on a child’s wellbeing. An example has been provided for you:


The potential impact of the carer’s/parent’s health on the child’s well-being includes:

  • It could increase their vulnerability
  • They may be more at risk of harm, abuse and neglect
  • Their development may be delayed
  • Parent/carer may be unable to assess risks
  • Parent/carer may have difficulty bonding with the child

Part ii) Think about the impact that domestic violence may have on the wellbeing of a child. Complete the sentence below to show your understanding

Experiencing domestic violence can have a negative influence on a child’s or young person’s well-being because it may normalise violence and desensitise them from it. It can cause a lot of emotional turmoil and feelings of helplessness and fear as well as causing the child a great deal of stress, which can affect their development.


Activity 11.3

Choose three of the rights that children and young people have by law and state these in the table below. For each one, describe how to work in ways that respect each right.


The Right to Life: All children have the right to live a life free from harm and abuse. Staff should be trained to recognise signs of possible abuse and what to do if they suspect a child has been subject to harm, abuse or neglect.

The Right to Education: All children have the right to an education. Staff should encourage parents and carers to arrange for the children to attend a school or have access to other forms of education. If a child is deprived of an education, it should be reported to social services.


Freedom from discrimination: All children have the right to be treated fairly and be given the same opportunities. Discrimination should not happen and if it is witnessed, staff should challenge it and, where necessary, report it to the relevant authorities.

Activity 11.4


Familiarise yourself with your organisation’s safeguarding children policy and procedures (if in place), or speak to your manager about safeguarding children. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.

Case scenario: 16 year old Mauro has been visiting his grandfather regularly at your workplace. Last week Mauro missed his usual visit. When you see him today you notice that he has got a black eye and scraped hands. When you ask him about it he answers that he has walked into a doorframe. Fill in the boxes below to describe the following:


What you should do if you have concerns that a child may be at risk of abuse or if abuse has been alleged.

Record and report it immediately.


State to whom you should report your concerns

My line manager, and where necessary, my organisation’s safeguarding lead, social services and/or the police.


State from whom you should seek advice and guidance.

My line manager, safeguarding lead, social services, NSPCC or the child’s parent/carer.


Activity 11.5

Familiarise yourself with your organisation’s safeguarding children policy and procedures (if in place), or speak to your manager about safeguarding children. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.


Case scenario: 12 year old Sarah is very interested in new technologies and uses her laptop and smartphone frequently for research, as well as keeping in touch with friends by posting pictures and daily thoughts on social network sites and using chatrooms to make new friends. What are the potential risks Sarah might be exposed to when using the internet and online social networks frequently? Identify your thoughts on the spider diagram below:

Risks to safety arising from the use of the Internet and social networks include:

  • Being radicalised
  • Being groomed
  • Being bullied (cyber-bullying)
  • Viewing violent or graphic images
  • Being exposed to pornography

Activity 11.6


Using your understanding of the following legislation, summarise the main purpose of each law that helps to safeguard children and young people.

The Children Act 1989 – Protects the welfare of children at risk or who may require services


The Children Act 2004 – Places responsibility on local authorities and other agencies to work together in partnership and establish local Safeguarding Children Boards and joint databases.

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 – Sets the age of consent to 16, and in some cases 18 (such as when an adult is in a position of trust). Also legislates the sex offenders register and civil protective orders.


The Care Act 2014 – Places responsibility on local authorities to ensure vulnerable adults are provided with the care services they need. This has some provisions for children such as when they are live-in carers for their parents and ensures they receive the right support.

The Children and Families Act 2014 – Gives young carers the same rights as adult carers and access to the same support services.

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