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Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice

My own working practice involves being familiar with a lot of documentation that enables me to carry out a high standard of care.


Legislation including The Health & Safety at Work Act, The Equality Act, The Human Rights Act and The Mental Capacity Act lay down a foundation for working in a way that is safe, healthy and unprejudiced and recognises that all individuals have the same fundamental rights.


The now-defunct GSCC produced a Code of Practice for social care workers that is still relevant today and is a useful guide for anyone working within the sector. The Department of Health has produced guidance for restrictive physical interventions which I have used to ascertain when it is appropriate to use physical restraint. The government white papers ‘Putting People First’ and ‘Valuing People’ provide a plethora of guidance for working using a person-centred approach.


My company also has its own policies and procedures relating to promoting positive behaviour. I have attached a copy of my company’s Challenging Behaviour Policy & Procedure as evidence.

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