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Describe own role in supporting individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

The role of health and social care workers in supporting individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities will vary based on the job description of the carer and the individual’s unique needs.


You will need to explain the duties and responsibilities of your own particular support role. Some things that you may consider are:

  • Domestic tasks – e.g. cooking, cleaning etc., do you support individuals to do tasks for themselves or do the tasks for them?
  • Personal care – e.g. washing, bathing, brushing teeth etc.
  • Supporting individuals to establish and maintain relationships e.g. with their family, friends etc.
  • Offering emotional support
  • Providing information so that individuals can make informed choices using their preferred communication methods
  • Use of equipment
  • Supporting individuals to access activities such as work, education or social gatherings
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