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Use agreed methods of communication to interact with the individual


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

To achieve this assessment criterion, you should be able to demonstrate to your assessor that you use agreed methods of communication to interact with the individuals to whom you provide care and support services.


Agreed methods of communication will have been identified during an initial collaboration with the individual and other stakeholders (e.g. their family, advocate, other health professionals etc.) and will have been documented in their care plan.

When working with individuals that you have not directly assessed or collaborated with, you should refer to their care plan to understand their communication needs, wishes and preferences.


For example, if an individual with a learning disability makes a ‘T’ sign with their hands, and their care plan states that this means they would like a cup of tea, you would acknowledge their request and make them a cup of tea. Similarly, if an individual has impaired hearing, their care plan may state that you should be face-to-face when communicating with them so that they are able to read your lips.

By communicating with individuals in line with their needs, wishes and preferences, you will demonstrate that you value and respect the individual and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings.



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