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  7. Use formats that enable an individual and others...

Use formats that enable an individual and others to understand the information conveyed


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

When conveying information to others, it is important to present it using formats that will aid their comprehension and understanding.


We’ve already looked at identifying an individual’s communication, needs, wishes and preferences and communicating with individuals in line with their care plan. The care plan should convey how best to communicate with an individual and this will include their preferred formats.

For example, an individual that is visually impaired may require paper-based communications to be provided in large-print or braille format. Or an individual with autism may require social relationship concepts to be explained using a social story.


Similarly, you should also think about the most appropriate way to convey information to your work colleagues. For example, if you are responsible for collating and analysing feedback surveys from service users, you should consider how the results and common themes could be communicated to your managers. Perhaps a written report? Or a Powerpoint presentation? Or both? Could the main points be visualised better in graph/chart format rather than simply presenting the figures?

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