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Use systems, procedures and practices that engage an individual and others in the review process according to agreed ways of working


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to use systems, procedures and practices that engage an individual and others in the review process according to agreed ways of working.


Policies and procedures should state that support plans must be formally reviewed regularly to take into account an individual’s changing needs, wishes and preferences. These agreed ways of working will also specify how individuals will be encouraged to engage in the care plan review process.

For example, care plan review meetings should be scheduled at a time and place that is convenient for all stakeholders. Individuals should be encouraged to participate in the care planning process, and their views should be valued and respected, so that they are motivated to continue contributing. If individuals feel that they are not being listened to, then they are less likely to participate.


Documenting these principles in systems, procedures and practices will ensure that all stakeholders are encouraged to engage in the review process.

By following organisational policies, you can ensure that a person-centred approach is used during the care planning process and that it is carried out in a safe, effective and lawful way.

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