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Support others to recognise the values of co-production and the contribution and expertise of those using adult care services and relevant others


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to demonstrate that you are able to engage your team in a way that enables them to understand the values and importance of co-production and the contribution and expertise of those using adult care services.


The government’s Care and Support Statutory Guidance defines co-production as ‘…when an individual influences the support and services received, or when groups of people get together to influence the way that services are designed, commissioned and delivered.‘ It goes on to state that ‘ Such interventions can contribute to developing individual resilience and help promote self-reliance and independence, as well as ensuring that services reflect what the people who use them want.

We know that each service user is an expert on their own needs, wishes and preferences and that their family, carers and advocates also have expertise about what is best for the individual. Therefore, these views and perspectives must always be taken into account when planning and delivering care services to ensure that we work in a person-centred way. Each participant should be considered an equal partner with value to offer.


As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team understands the importance of co-production, collaboration and partnership-working for the delivery of safe and effective care services.

This will start with your organisation’s policies and procedures but should also be ingrained into the culture and day-to-day practice. Role modelling good practice can be beneficial and professional development opportunities can embed these tenets – supervision, appraisal, discussions in team meetings and formal training are all good options.


You will also need to monitor systems and processes to ensure that they are fully understood and being followed – this will form part of your organisation’s quality assurance process.

For further information about co-production, check out this guide published by the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE).

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