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Recognise areas within own service that require improvement in order to provide person centred care


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to critically evaluate areas within your own service that require improvement in order to provide person-centred care. There are several data sources that can inform how well your organisation is providing person-centred and identify areas for improvement. Some areas that you may wish to consider are provided below.


Service planning and delivery


Quality audits can be used to identify the areas in which your organisation does well and the areas in which it could do better. For example, some areas of your service may be using outdated practices and require improvements. It will be necessary to identify the reasons for this (e.g. a lack of resources, staff training etc.) Improving quality in service planning and delivery should be a continuous process.

Staff views


Front-line staff will have direct experience with the person-centred care provided by the organisation, however, they may not have the confidence to speak up if they have suggestions for improvement. As a leader, it is your responsibility to create a culture of openness, transparency, creativity and innovation, where members of staff are encouraged to put forward their ideas and insights.

Views of those in receipt of support and care services


Similarly, the views of the individuals that are receiving care and support services can be vitally useful for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your organisation’s service provision. You can distribute satisfaction surveys to obtain service user views about your organisation.

Other stakeholders


Feedback from other stakeholders should also be requested to gain different perspectives about your organisation in relation to providing person-centred care. This could include the service user’s family/friends and other health and care professionals that have visited the service. Following an inspection, the lead inspector will provide feedback about how service provision could be improved.

Formal compliments and complaints


Your organisation should have a robust and accessible compliments/complaints policy and procedure so that there is a channel for reporting good and bad experiences. As well as dealing with each compliment/complaint individually and (where necessary) making changes to improve, you should also review the report log to try and identify patterns and themes.  For example, numerous complaints related to a single area of operations would indicate that this area may need an overhaul. Similarly, persistent compliments in a particular area can highlight processes or individuals that could be utilised in areas of the service that are not operating as effectively.

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