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Recognise aspects of the organisation that need to be improved in order to be effective in providing a person-centred service


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

This assessment criterion is remarkably similar to 3.2 Recognise areas within own service that require improvement in order to provide person centred care. Here you will be required to evaluate aspects of the organisation that are no longer effective in providing person-centred care.


This will involve looking more deeply into an area of your organisation that is not currently meeting standards or best practices in person-centred care and then putting forward recommendations for improvement.

For example, as a result of staff and service user feedback as well as quality assurance processes, you determine that care plan reviews are not being performed correctly because staff feel they do not have enough time to perform them thoroughly. To overcome those, you propose to introduce cover for staff that are conducting care plan reviews so that they are not interrupted with daily shift responsibilities whilst they perform this function.

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