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Explain how factors relating to the individual can affect behaviour


Study Notes

There are many factors relating to an individual that can affect their behaviour. Some examples include:

  • Self-image/self-esteem – if an individual has a low level of self-esteem they may be caught up in a viscious of cycle of having behaviours because they feel everyone hates them and feeling everyone hates them because they have behaviours.
  • Health (mental and physical conditions) – illness and disease may make individuals feel weak, angry, upset, depressed etc. unless they are able to find a way to accept and manage it
  • Communication skills – if an individual cannot communicate their needs using appropriate methods such as speech, the may resort to inappropriate methods such as aggression
  • Psychological state – if an individual is in a high emotional state (e.g. angry, upset, frustrated etc.) about something they are more likely to display a behaviour
  • History/Learned behaviours – if an individual has learned that a particular behaviour results in their desired outcome, they are more likely to do it again. Similarly, if they have had an upbringing where inappropriate behaviour was considered ‘normal’ they are likely to use these methods
  • Personality – introverted or extroverted individuals will display different behaviours
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