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Describe ways to improve systems and structures to enhance personalisation


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

Having evaluated your organisation’s current systems and structures in relation to personalisation, you will now be required to describe ways that these systems could be enhanced.


For example, you may have identified that some staff do not fully comprehend their responsibilities in relation to the promotion of person-centred values, which may mean that existing training structures need to be changed or that some staff members are retrained. You may also consider raising this in team meetings to ensure that all team members know what is expected from them.

Scanning through your organisation’s complaints log may reveal themes where your organisation has underperformed with regard to personalisation and you could recommend ways that systems and structures could be enhanced in this regard.


You may decide to set up resident/service user focus groups so that individuals receiving care and support services are represented and have a forum to express their views.

More time could be allocated to the care planning process to ensure that there is enough time to fully and genuinely get to know the individual and their unique needs, wishes and preferences.


These are just a few ideas of how systems and structures within an organisation may be improved to enhance the personalisation approaches used within your organisation.


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