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Evaluate own knowledge and performance


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to critically evaluate your own professional skills, knowledge and behaviours. This will require self-reflection on your own practice in comparison to other sources of information. Some of these are discussed below.


Standards and benchmarks


There are several standards and benchmarks that an adult care practitioner can measure their performance against, including:


These standards specify the minimum level of quality and attainment that the public expects from a worker in the health and social care sector. By comparing your own performance against them, you may identify gaps in your skills and knowledge that you can address.

Feedback from others


360-degree feedback is the process of obtaining information about your performance from the people that you work with. This can include colleagues, service users, service users’ families/carers as well as other professionals.

By considering the perspectives of others, you will get a more holistic view of how you are perceived and gain insights about how your performance may be improved.


Organisational appraisal

An organisational appraisal is a process of monitoring an organisation to identify strengths and weaknesses that may influence its ability to achieve its goals. Your own performance will be part of this appraisal process and may identify areas that you could improve on going forward.



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