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Implement and evaluate protocols for safe healthcare practice which actively promote positive outcomes


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

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For this assessment criterion, you will be required to implement and evaluate protocols for safe health and care practices that actively promote positive well-being and outcomes.


A person-centred and outcome-focused approach that promotes the individual’s well-being should be used to ensure that care practices align with each individual’s unique needs, wishes and preferences. As a manager, it is your responsibility to implement policies and procedures that are underpinned by these principles. You must also monitor and evaluate protocols to ensure that they are working and introduce changes when improvements could be made.

Some areas that may be considered are included below.


Individual’s psychological, social and spiritual needs


All care planning protocols should address the service user’s psychological, social and spiritual needs.

Psychological needs arise in the mind and can be thought of as something that is wanted or desired and the absence of which can lead to feelings of discomfort and unfulfillment. The need to have independence, control, self-worth and intellectual stimulation are examples of psychological needs.


Social needs are related to psychological needs and encompass needs such as having fulfilling relationships, acceptance by peers, love and intimacy.

Spiritual needs relate to finding meaning or purpose in one’s life. It does not have to be based on religion, but for individuals that are religious, their religion can make a large contribution to their spiritual well-being.


Everyone’s psychological, social and spiritual needs are different, hence it is important to discover what is important to each individual’s well-being. Therefore the protocols for the care planning and reviewing processes should ensure that these needs are considered. Individuals with unfulfilled psychological, social and spiritual needs may develop mental health, which can have a detrimental effect on their well-being leading to additional future care needs that could have been avoided. For example, an individual that loses access to their friend network may feel unhappy and isolated leading to mental health conditions, such as depression.

Individual’s physical health


An individual’s physical health will contribute towards their overall well-being, so as care workers, we should promote healthy lifestyles. However, we must also respect an individual’s lifestyle choices if they are in conflict with their physical health.

Protocols that relate to an individual’s physical health can include planning and cooking meals, booking GP appointments and planning activities, such as swimming, dancing or football.


Individual’s mental health

Similarly, we should promote good mental health. We discussed above how an individual’s psychological, social and spiritual needs not being met can lead to mental health conditions. But, again, we must ensure that individuals are able to make their own choices as much as possible. We should also have protocols in place for times when individuals may not have the mental capacity to make their own decisions that are in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.


Individual’s mobility

Individuals with mobility issues should be supported to find solutions that support them to be as independent as possible. This could mean looking into assistive technologies, such as wheelchairs or riser chairs. Protocols can relate to safe moving and positioning procedures, which will include how to use any equipment that is required for the activity.


Individual’s sexual health

Individuals should also have access to the information they need to support and promote their sexual health. This can include advice about relationships and choices for contraception. Protocols may be put in place to ensure individuals have privacy and dignity in relation to their sexual needs.


Health and care practices that might include healthcare procedures such as blood sugar level testing, urine testing, catheter care, tissue viability and wound care

Healthcare practices should only be performed after obtaining consent. Protocols should include guidance on what a care worker should do if consent is not given. This could include returning to ask again later or requesting assistance from a colleague. All refusals must be documented and may need to be reported to a senior member of staff.


Active participation of individuals working towards healthy outcomes

All protocols should encourage active participation so that individuals can contribute to and participate in their care and support. Where an individual is disengaged, support from their family or an independent advocate may be required.

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