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Evaluate research findings to formulate options for the future direction of services


This page is designed to answer the following questions:

NOTE: This page has been quality assured for 2023 as per our Quality Assurance policy.

For this assessment criterion, you will be required to evaluate the knowledge and insights you have gained from the previous section to formulate options for the future direction of your own care service. Areas that could be informed by your investigations are included below.


Strategy design


Your business strategy should encompass the needs of the market to ensure that your organisation remains sustainable and competitive. For example, your local authority’s Market Position Statement will identify the future needs of your community and so the strategy should be developed in line with these needs.

Operational delivery


Operational delivery refers to the way that care is provided. For example, innovations in technology such as telecare may reduce staffing costs over the long term as well as provide service users with increased independence.

Internal policies and procedures


Internal policies and procedures may need to be changed to continue to stay in line with the latest government reports, enquiries and guidance. For example, guidance for the health and social care sector in response to the Covid-19 pandemic led to many changes in practices.



Recruitment processes may need to be changed/improved over time. For example, a lack of care workers in your locality may mean that you need to be more innovative in attracting the right staff. You may decide to utilise social media or partner with other local care providers to organise a recruitment drive.

Workforce training and development


New government policies can lead to changes in the way staff are trained. For example, the introduction of the Care Certificate meant that employers had to ensure that standardised training was provided to all new starters.

Quality monitoring


Internal quality assurance audits will highlight the areas that your organisation does well and those that require improvement. By continuously monitoring the quality of care provision, we can continuously improve the services that we provide.

Service user involvement


Service users should be encouraged to participate in their own care planning and contribute to the improvement of the organisation as a whole. As receivers of care, they will have unique insights into how care is delivered and how it could be made better.

Innovations for change by self and/or others


You should nurture a culture of creativity and innovation throughout your organisation so that others feel comfortable coming forward with suggestions for improvement. Similarly, you should model this behaviour yourself by developing and implementing your own innovations for change.

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