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How long does it take to complete the Care Certificate?

The average amount of time required to complete the Care Certificate is 12 weeks, however, this could be more or less depending on the experience and training needs of the individual.

Factors that can affect how long it takes to complete the Care Certificate include:

  • Previous knowledge and experience
  • Previous qualifications
  • Employer’s policy
  • Amount of time that the learner is given for studying purposes by their employer
  • Time and workload of assessors

We have published more Care Certificate Answers here.

Can you fail the Care Certificate?

You can not fail the Care Certificate, although some individuals may be able to complete it quicker than others.

If you do not meet all the assessment criteria, then you may be required to undertake additional training or gather additional evidence and be reassessed at a later time.

Check out our Care Certificate Answers page for further information.

Do you have to redo the Care Certificate if you change employers?

This will depend on your employer. Some employers may not be confident that a previous employer has assessed the Care Certificate to the same standards that they set themselves and require the work to be repeated or request that you self-assess.

Because the Care Certificate is not standardised, centralised or require the use of qualified assessors, the quality of an assessment can vary.

Care Certificate Answers

Do I still have to do the Care Certificate if I have a health and social care diploma or NVQ?

This will depend on your employer and their policy on induction and training, however, very often the assessment criteria for an NVQ can be mapped to that of the Care Certificate. Your employer will need to satisfy themselves that you are competent in all of the Care Certificate standards and may require you to go through the Care Certificate self-assessment tool to identify any gaps in your knowledge.

For more Care Certificate Answers, click here.

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