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Mentor Meeting Feedback Notes

You arrange a mentor meeting to feed back to the social care worker. You have comments to make which include both praise and constructive criticism.

Write notes to prepare for your meeting. In your notes, explain:

  1. Why is it important for a social care worker to seek feedback on performance?
  2. The different ways that people may react to receiving constructive feedback.
  3. Why it is important for a social care worker to use feedback to improve their practice.

Notes in preparation for mentor meeting with John to ensure all major points are covered.

24/11/16 11:00am at Office

Importance of seeking feedback

Explain to John that seeking feedback is a very important part of the role of a Social Care worker because it allows us to improve the service we provide to the clients and and become better at our jobs.

We can get feedback from our peers, managers, subordinates, our clients, our client’s family/friends and other professionals. Similarly, we should give feedback to others in an effort to help them improve. We should also be proactive and ask others for feedback about our work.

As well as helping us with our professional development, feedback can also make us feel appreciated and encourage us to continue doing what we do well or make changes where necessary.

Reactions to receiving feedback

Ideally, John will thank me for the feedback, ask questions, take it on board and continue to improve his work. Hopefully, he will also feel motivated and encouraged by the positives I raise.

However, I should be prepared that he may be offended by the constructive criticism and become defensive, upset or angry. This could result in him trying to avoid or change the subject or blaming other factors for the problems. He could also possibly walk out of our meeting or reluctantly agree to everything I say. Another reaction would be that he becomes anxious and worry about his work.

I must ensure that I keep calm myself and stick to the facts, offer solutions and remind John about the reasons for feedback and its importance. If necessary, I may also need to reassure him.

Using feedback

It is important that social care workers use all the feedback that they receive to continually improve their practice. Feedback can help identify areas where you work well as well as areas where you may need more experience or additional training. Without feedback, a social care worker would be oblivious to any areas of their practice that they could do better or are not performing up to the required standards. By using feedback, not only do you improve your own practice but also the practice of whole service. It also demonstrates that you are willing to listen to others and develop new insights and ways of thinking.

Define the terms: sexuality, sexual health, sexual orientation and sexual expression

Sexuality is the capacity for sexual feelings. Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being with regards sexuality. Sexual orientation is the gender to which an individual is attracted to. Sexual expression is the expression and experience of sexuality.

Describe three factors to consider when promoting effective communication

There are a myriad of factors that should be considered when promoting effective communication.

The most obvious is the method used to communicate. This could be verbal, sign language, makaton, pictorial aids or others but should be in line with an individual’s personal preferences.

The environment is another factor  to consider as an improper environment could make an individual feel uncomfortable. Are they too hot or too cold? Is the lighting too dim or too bright? Are there any distractions (e.g. T.V, radio, other people)? Does the individual feel safe? Adjusting these environmental factors could have a positive or negative affect on an individual’s ability to communicate effectively. By understanding and learning about an individual’s personal environmental preferences, it is possible to create the optimum conditions to communicate with them.

Demonstrating active listening is another factor that helps to promote effective communication. Active listening involves focusing attention on the person doing the speaking, listening to what they say and then repeating back to them in your own words what you think they have just said. This ensures that the listener fully comprehends what the speaker is saying and can prevent misunderstandings. It is also a great tool to encourage an individual to open up more as they will be aware that you are listening to what they have to say.

Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practitioners.

Effective communication is very important in an adult social care setting and can have a positive affect on relationships.

For example, communicating empathy when an individual is upset can make them feel cared for and understood, resulting in a deeper connection. Ultimately this builds trust between individuals, creating a more open, transparent and honest relationship.

Accurate and legible record-keeping is another very important form of communication in this setting as it ensures that everyone involved in the care of an individual is well-informed and up-to-date with the individual’s current and changing needs. When everybody is working in the same way, it creates a harmonious and stable atmosphere where an individual, their carers and other professionals can feel happy, confident and satisfied with their day-to-day tasks.

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