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Health & Safety Induction Presentation

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATION: 306 Task A Health & Safety Presentation

You have been asked to contribute to an induction day for new staff. You are to prepare a presentation about Health and Safety. It must include the following:

Ai A list of the key legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting.

Aii An explanation of how health and safety policies and procedures protect people using social care settings.

Aiii An explanation of how health and safety policies and procedures protect people who work in social care settings.

Aiv A comparison of the differences in the main health and safety responsibilities
of each of the following:
a) Social care worker
b) Employer/ manager
c) Individuals using social care services and others in the setting, such as
 visitors, supporters, volunteer or contractors.

Av An example of a situation where responsibility for health and safety lies with
the individual receiving care.

Avi An explanation of why each of the following tasks should only be carried out
with specific training and the potential consequences if undertaken by staff that are not trained.
a) Use of equipment
b) First aid
c) Medication
d) Assisting moving and handling
e) Emergency procedures
f) Food handling and preparation.

Avii An explanation of the procedures to be followed to prevent and in the event of each of the following:
a) Fire
b) Gas leak
c) Floods
d) Intruding
e) Security breach

Aviii An explanation about the importance of having an emergency plan in place to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

Aix An explanation of how you could encourage others to follow procedures in place for environmental safety.

Ax An explanation of how you could access additional support and information relating to health and safety.

Describe two different uses of risk assessment in adult social care settings.

Risk assessments can be used in an adult social setting to identify and reduce any risks in a particular activity that an individual wants to partake in. For example, if an individual wants to go cycling, there is a risk that they could fall off their bike and get a head injury. This risk can be reduced by ensuring that the individual wears a cycle helmet.

Risk assessments can also be used reduce risk to support staff, such as if the individual they are supporting becomes aggressive. The risk assessment can contain actions that the support staff can perform to try and get the individual back to a baseline level, or if this is not possible, what they should do to keep themselves safe (e.g. leave the building, call the police etc.)

You can also use a risk assessment to ensure the environment remains safe and secure such as checking smoke alarms regularly or locking doors.

Explain how the responsibilities of all concerned with the care of an individual can be supported by a risk assessment.

Risk assessments can be used to support the responsibilities of everyone involved in the care of an individual. The individual has the right to make their own life choices and these must be respected by their support worker, however their support worker has a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individual. By working with an individual to create a risk assessment, there is a documented record that the individual has been offered choice and informed about the potential risks involved. Simply by going through the process, it may give an individual a greater understanding of the risks and may change their mind. The risk assessment also aims to reduce potential risk, ensuring that the activity is performed as safely as possible. This allows the support worker to safeguard the individual as much as can reasonably be expected.

Give two ways that a risk assessment can support the right of an individual using the service to take risks and make choices.

Risk assessments are used to reduce any risks to safety or wellbeing by ensuring that things are done in the safest way possible. They are not used to prevent an individual doing something that they want to do but to ensure that they are able to do it in a safe and appropriate manner. This promotes the rights of the individual to make their own choices and increases their independence. Also, by going through the risk assessment process with the individual and identifying the risks involved, they may be better able to understand those risks and have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Explain how to ensure everyone involved in an activity or event such as a review understands how to apply the principles of active participation.

It is important that everybody involved in an activity understands and can apply the principles of active participation. This means acknowledging that the individual is present by speaking to and directly addressing them. Everybody should also be aware of the individual’s communication need, for example they may need speak in short sentences of 2-3 keywords and avoid using long words. Everybody should be given the time to speak and express their opinions and where conflicts arise, everybody should work in partnership to discuss the issue and find a suitable compromise. Individual’s should be encouraged to listen, ask questions and challenge things that they do not agree with.

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