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Ensure that the individual is central to the person-centred review process

An individual has to be central to the person-centred review process because otherwise it isn’t a person-centred review. All individuals should be present at their review and,they should have had some time to prepare for it beforehand. The individual should be the primary person that is addressed during the review and others should not talk about the individual as if they are not there. Everything the individual says should be taken seriously and recorded. Assistance in communication should be provided to the individual if needed.

Support the individual in their relationships and in being part of their community using person-centred thinking

I use person-centred thinking to support individuals in their relationships and in being part of their community. I do this by ensuring that individuals are free to make their own choices, although I will offer advice when I deem it necessary. I encourage individuals to play an active role in their local communities by providing assistance with things like finding a job or participating in local events. I help individuals with their relationships by offering guidance if they ask me and helping them to pursue and stay connected to the relationships that are most important to them.

Be responsive to how an individual makes decisions to support them to have maximum choice and control in their life

When an individual makes a choice, I have full respect for their decision so that they can have full control over their lives although sometimes it is necessary for me to give them some guidance as they may not have considered all the ramifications of their choice. I will offer practical advice about how an individual can proceed with their choice, no matter how difficult it may appear to achieve and am careful to ensure that my own personal bias does not interfere with the individual’s free will.

Use person-centred thinking to know and respond to how the individual communicates

Person-centred thinking means communicating with an individual in a way that they are comfortable with and allows messages between one another to be understood. For some individuals, this may mean speaking slowly and in simple terms and for others may mean using body language and signs. I adjust the way I communicate based on the individual’s needs and preferences.

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