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2.1a Choose three pieces of legislation that might be particularly relevant to your organisation and the setting in which you work and explore the impact in more detail


Consider the following list of legislation taken from the CQC website page referenced above. Choose three pieces of legislation that might be particularly relevant to your organisation and the setting in which you work and explore the impact in more detail using the table to record your findings.



LegislationRelevant sectionsMust haveNice to know
 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 AllAll staff (both paid and unpaid) must have a DBS check. This is a legal responsibility of the employer. There are two types of DBS check – one for working with vulnerable adults and another for working with children.
 Equality Act 2010 AllAll staff must be treated equitably and given the same opportunities.The Equality Act supercedes several other pieces of legislation including the Disability Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act, Sex Discrimination Act etc.
 MCA Code of Practice AllIndividuals should be assumed to have capacity to make decisions unless it has been proved otherwise. Making unwise decisions does not mean lack of capacity,Individuals must be assessed on a decision-by-decision basis. Individuals should be given all the support they need to make informed decisions before being assessed as lacking capacity.

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