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Describe Ways To Ensure That Personal Attitudes Or Beliefs Do Not Obstruct The Quality Of Work

Personal Values and Organisational Values on the sides of a yin-yang symbol

Whilst in a health & social care setting, a support worker should remain professional at all times and not let personal attitudes or beliefs interfere with their responsibilities. In my job role, I respect the attitudes and beliefs of others and do not try to force my own opinions on the people that I work with. Instead, I try to keep a positive attitude to my work and not take anything that is said to me too personally.

An example of this is my abhorrence towards fishing. My personal belief is that it is a cruel sport, however one of my clients is a keen angler and, as a support worker, I have to put my personal feelings aside and continue to support my client in this activity. I also do not force my own views on fishing with the client as this would be crossing a professional boundary.

If I felt so strongly that I was unable to support my client in this regard, I would speak to my manager and request that I work with a different client instead.

Other examples of personal beliefs affecting professional work could be someone who has deeply religious views imposing them upon a client or a vegan not supporting a client to prepare meat-based meals.

Describe the Duties & Responsibilities of Own Work Role

When thinking about how to describe the duties and responsibilities of your own role, it is important to think about the things that you do as part of your job function (duties) and the professional obligations that you have towards others (responsibilities). You can make a good start by looking at your current job description for your duties and by reading company policies and procedures for your responsibilities as an employee.


All jobs have duties that must be performed as part of a contract with an employer. It is important to be fully aware of what your duties are and that you can perform them competently. As well as the day-to-day operational tasks, there are other duties that you will have to do as an employee of the organisation you work for.

Duties towards clients

This includes all the general care you provide from day to day to your client(s), whether it be offering medication, taking them to activities, helping them to make friends, supporting them to cook meals, helping them to plan their future etc. etc. These duties should be well-documented in the individual’s care plan.

Duties towards employer

Your employer will also expect you to complete several other duties such as completing your timesheet, inducting/mentoring new staff, attending training and taking responsibility for own personal development, attending meetings, communicating with other professionals and colleagues etc. etc.


Although, quite obviously, you have a responsibility to the individuals that you support, you should also think about the responsibilities you have towards your co-workers, managers, company directors, other supporting professionals that you may be called to work with and society as a whole.

Responsibilities towards clients

Working in health and social care means that we are often responsible for helping our clients achieve the best possible outcomes. This will not always be possible – we cannot force clients to do anything or behave in a particular way – but we should encourage them. And we should always be accountable for our actions. Some responsibilities you may have towards your clients is ensuring they are offered their correct medication at the correct time or ensuring they wake up in time for work.

We also have a responsibility to respect the beliefs, attitudes and views of the individuals we support, even if we don’t agree, and don’t force our own opinions on them.

Responsibilities towards co-workers

For example, The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 says that all employees are responsible for the welfare of their colleagues, site visitors and general public and must work in a way that does not put anyone at risk. In addition, if an employee observes a hazard to health and safety, they must by law report it to a manager.

Responsibilities towards manager and organisation

You also have a duties an responsibilities towards you manager and the organisation that you work for as a whole. This will include things like turning up to work on time, behaving in an appropriate manner whilst at work and not bringing the organisation into disrepute.

Responsibilities towards other professionals

You may find that you have responsibilities to work in partnership with other professionals that are not part of your organisation. This could be working with a dietitian to support an individual to eat healthily or maybe working with a social worker to look after the best interests of a client.

Responsibilities towards the general public

We also all have a duty of care to safeguard others, whether we work with them or not, and a responsibility to report any suspicions of abuse to the relevant authorities. This could be your manager, an in-house safeguarding representative, social services safeguarding team or even the police depending on severity.

Example answer

My current role is to assist two young adults with learning disabilities and autism to live as independent a life as possible. This includes:

    • helping with meal planning and preparation and maintaining a healthy diet
    • helping to plan and organise activities
    • finance management
    • assisting with personal development
    • helping to maintain a good standard of health and hygiene
    • helping to maintain a clean and clutter-free household
    • assistance with medication

I also have responsibilities to the organisation work for, which includes:

    • minimising legal risks
    • following company policies and procedures
    • working in a cost-effective manner
    • seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth

As well as following internal policies, I am also obliged to ensure I work within legal guidelines including health and safety legislation and CQC compliance.

I work with a person-centred values approach, which means that I always treat each service user as an individual and support them in a way that is preferential to them using a mutually agreed care plan.

Identify Standards That Influence the Way the Role is Carried Out


There are many standards that influence how I carry out my responsibilities including:

Some of the standards are UK legislation such as the Care Act, Health & Social Care Act, Health & Safety at Work Act etc. These lay out the rules for lawful practice in the UK and non-conformance can lead to litigation against an individual or company. Some legislation is specific to the health and social care sector (e.g. Care Act. Health & Social Care Act) and others are for businesses in any sector (e.g. Health & Safety at Work Act, Manual Handling Operations Regulations).

The 13 CQC fundamental standards are used by the Care Quality Commission when inspecting organisations in the health & social care sector. All individuals using care services have the right to expect care that does fall below these standards.

Internal policies and procedures are documents created by the company that I work for that describe the roles and the expectations of all employees and guidance on a multitude of subjects.

Identify Sources of Support for Planning and Reviewing Your Development.

Support for planning and reviewing your development can be obtained from many sources. Asking for feedback from colleagues, clients, client’s families and other professionals can help identify areas of development to consider. Quarterly supervisions and annual appraisals can also be used and mutually agreeable targets between yourself and your manager can be set. Quarterly observations and professional discussions can also be useful.  Team meetings are also a great forum to discuss the service provision. Externally, you can get support online from a myriad of Internet sites as well as formal training on personal development.

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